Monday, June 16, 2014

Benefits of Mint

mint health properties
Mint is an extremely popular herb across the world. It is mostly known for its uses in gum, tooth paste, and mouthwash. However, mint has a variety of other benefits other than a breath freshener! 

Digestive System

Mint leaves are great for calming the stomach. Their aroma quick starts the saliva glands, which then produce digestive enzymes, aiding in our digestion processes. In addition, drinking herbal mint tea can reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and helps clean the system.  Learn more about herbal tea and their effects here:


The aroma of mint calms the stomach and is a powerful treatment for nausea.

Respiratory System

The scent of mint reduces respiratory disorders by opening up the nose, throat, and lungs for better breathing. Also, peppermint contains rosmarinic acid, which contains anti-inflammatory properties and helps clear the airway for breathing.


Peppermint contains several essential nutrients. For example, it is rich in manganese, vitamin A and Vitamin C. It also has a great deal of fiber, iron, vitamin B2, potassium, and copper.

Muscle Pain

According to, you can use mint for muscle pain relief by mixing 1 cup sea salt, 1/3 cup olive oil, and 6 drops of peppermint essential oil together. Rub the mixture on your sore spot, then rinse off.

~Thanks to Faith Davis

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