Thursday, March 24, 2016

Diagnose Your Diabetes Risk In Under A Minute: The Five-Finger Test

Here we will present you very easy and simple test that can be done at home. The test will help you to find out more about diabetes. Diabetes affects almost one out of every 10 Americans. In 2012, more than 29 million Americans had diabetes. Of that approximate 29 million, only 21 million were diagnosed, with the remaining left undiagnosed. Approximately $245 billion is spent on diagnosing diabetes every year. Even more shocking: 86 millions of Americans are affected by pre-diabetes.

The condition can be diagnosed through a blood test.
What Is Pre-diabetes?
When someone is diagnosed with pre-diabetes they have blood sugar levels that are higher than normal, yet not at a diabetic level. The name “prediabetes” comes from the fact that many people with pre-diabetes are on their way to becoming diabetic and, although not everyone with pre-diabetes develops type 2 diabetes, many will.
Longterm pre-diabetes also leads to other serious conditions such as heart disease and nerve damage. Because the signs are not really visible you can learn to recognize them and  take action to help yourself.
  • Increased urination
  • Increased thirst
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Increased hunger
  • Sores that do not heal
How to diagnose pre-diabetes?
The a blood test where glucose levels are examined can determine diabetes and pre-diabetes. If you levels are above a certain point (100 milligrams per deciliter), you are diagnosed as pre-diabetic. If your blood glucose levels are higher (126 milligrams or above per deciliter) you are diagnosed as diabetic.
Alternatively, here is step by step instruction for pre-diabetes diagnosis.
  • Hold up 1 finger if you are a man, none of you are a woman. Keep the finger up.
  • Hold up 3 fingers if you are over the age of sixty, 2 fingers if you are over fifty, and 1 finger if you are over forty, none if you are under forty.
  • Hold up 1 finger if you believe you do not get enough physical activity, none if you believe you are physically active enough.
  • Hold up 1 finger if anybody in your family has diabetes, none if your family does not have a history of diabetes.
  • Hold up 1 finger if you have high blood pressure, none if you have a normal blood pressure.
  • Hold up 3 fingers if you are severely overweight (obese), 2 fingers if you are overweight, 1 finger if you are slightly overweight and no fingers if you are at a healthy body weight.

If you find that, by the end of doing this self-diagnosis you are holding up five fingers or more, then there is a good chance that you have pre-diabetes. This type of diagnosing uses the factors that most researchers believe are associated with an increased risk of diabetes. Even though it is not 100% accurate, most experts believe that it is a good way of assessing your diabetes risk.
If this test indicates you have pre-diabetes please take a blood test for further diagnosis. Lifestyle changes will provide you greater chances to reduce your risk and live a healthy life.
~Thanks to the Health Advisor Group

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Pepsi Admits Aquafina isTap Water, Coke's Dasani Is Next

Pepsi Admits That Its Aquafina Bottled Water Is Just Tap Water, Coca-Cola’s Dasani Is Next

On Friday, the Pepsi corporation admitted that its Aquafina bottled water is not purified water or spring water, but simply plain old tap water. The company will now be forced to change the labeling of the brand to reflect that it is just tap water.

Many informed customers choose bottled water because they are concerned about the quality of tap water, which is many times riddled with fluoride and pharmaceuticals. Sadly, we are now learning that in many cases, bottled water is actually not any better than tap water.
Over the years, an advocacy group called, “Corporate Accountability International” has been checking the contents of bottled water and pressuring companies to stop their false advertisement.
Aquafina is actually one of the top selling water brands in the world, and may see a slide in sales as a result of these new findings.
PepsiCo representative Michelle Naughton said in a recent statement that, “If this helps clarify the fact that the water originates from public sources, then it’s a reasonable thing to do.”The corporate accountability group is now looking to Coca-Cola’s Dasani bottled water for false advertisement. However, Dasani denies that their product is just tap water.
“We don’t believe that consumers are confused about the source of Dasani water. The label clearly states that it is purified water,” Coca-Cola spokeswoman Diana Garza Ciarlante said.
As we reported earlier this year, Major water supplier Niagra Bottling recently announced that one of their springs was contaminated by E-Coli, causing many leading bottled water companies to recall their products.
~ Thanks to John Vibes 

Monday, March 21, 2016

These 7 Things Will Happen When You Start Doing Planks Every Day

These 7 Things Will Happen When You Start Doing Planks Every Day

Bodyweight exercises are gaining ground in the fitness world due to the practicality of getting in shape by simply using your own body weight.

Planks are one of the most effective bodyweight exercises you can do because they require a small time investment on your part, and offer the chance to achieve substantial results. Planks may be trendy, but they are one form of bodyweight exercises that will never go out of fashion. 
Planks target the abdominal muscles which provide support for our entire back and spinal column. In doing so, they also play a vital role in preventing injuries.
However, for planks to provide this support successfully, our core muscles have to be strong and trained on a regular basis. This means doing plank exercises every day - it's a great way to strengthen your core, and in doing so, support your spine.
Now, let’s focus on what happens when you start doing planks every day:


Planks are an ideal exercise for the abdominal muscles exactly because they engage all major core muscle groups including the transverse abdominus, the rectus abdominusthe external oblique muscle, and the glutes. The importance of strengthening each muscle group cannot be underestimated either, for all of these groups serve their own purpose. If you strengthen these muscle groups you will notice:
  • Transverse abdominis: increased ability to lift heavier weights.
  • Rectus adbominis: improved sports performance, particularly with jumping. This muscle group is also responsible for giving you the renowned six pack look.
  • Oblique muscles: improved capacity for stable side-bending and waist-twisting
  • Glutes: a supported back and a strong, shapely booty.


Doing planks is an exercise that allow you to build muscle while also making sure that you are not putting too much pressure on your spine or hips. According to the American Council on Exercise, doing planks regularly not only significantly reduces back pain but it also strengthens your muscles and ensures a strong support for your entire back, especially in the areas around your upper back.

Check out this study if you would like to find out about how doing planks on different surfaces can impact the effectiveness of this exercise in strengthening your core.


Planking is an excellent way of challenging your entire body because doing them every day will burn more calories than other traditional abdominal exercises, such as crunches or sit-ups. The muscles you strengthen by doing this exercise on a day-to-day basis will ensure that you burn more energy even when sedentary. This is especially important if you are spending the majority of your day sitting in front of a computer. Also, making it a daily 5- to 10 minute home exercise before or after work will not only provide an enhanced metabolic rate but it will also ensure that that metabolic rate remains high all day long, (yes, even while you are asleep).


Doing planks greatly improves your ability to stand with straight and stable posture. Through strengthening your core you will be able to maintain proper posture at all times because muscles in the abdomen have a profound effect on the overall condition of your neck, shoulders, chest and back.


Have you ever felt that when you tried standing on one leg, you couldn’t stand up straight for more than a couple of seconds? It’s not because you were drunk - unless you happened to be at the time - but rather,  because your abdominal muscles weren’t strong enough to give you the balance you needed. Through improving your balance by doing side planks and planks with extensions you will boost your performance in every kind of sporting activity.


Flexibility is a key benefit of doing planks regularly, for this form of exercise expands and stretches all your posterior muscle groups – shoulders,shoulder blades, and collarbone – while also stretching your hamstrings, arches of your feet, and toes. With a side plank added in to the mix, you can also work on your oblique muscles. This will provide you with further benefits when it comes to hyper-extending your toes, a movement that is crucial for supporting your body’s weight.


Plank exercises have a particular effect on our nerves, making them an excellent means of improving overall mood. How? Well, they stretch out muscle groups that contribute to stress and tension in the body. Just think about it: you are sitting in your chair, at home or at work, all day long; your thigh muscles get tight, your legs get heavy due to being bent for several hours; and tension develops in your shoulders due to being forced to slump forward all day. These are all circumstances that put too stress on the muscles and nerves. The good news is that planks not only calm your brain, but they can also treat anxiety and symptoms of depression– but only if you make it part of your daily routine.
Now, the last thing left to do is to give you a sample plank exercise you can do to achieve great results in only 5-10 minutes a day!
~Thanks to LifeHack

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

7 Ways To Buy Organic Products Without Breaking The Bank

7 Ways To Buy Organic Products Without Breaking The BankThere is a lot of controversy surrounding the word “organic.” While many people are educated on the importance of opting for organic due to the ever-growing list of foods inflicted with GMOs, synthetic pesticides, roundup herbicides, growth-promoting antibiotics and more, they simply can’t seem to fathom spending more money on a product when the cheaper option is in front of their face. And although it can easily be said that, while you spend less money on non-organic, you might be upping your risk of spending more money on medical bills in the long run, perhaps what people need to focus their energy on is ways to be both organic and budget-friendly.

Here are a list of ways you can buy organic without breaking the bank:

Buy Local

Hitting up your neighborhood farmers’ market is a great place to start. Not only is the experience a lively event, but prices aren’t raised between manufacturer and distributor. There are small grocery stores tailored around this very idea as well. Do ask if the items are organic (often  they are not) and shop around from vendor to vendor as prices vary.

Stick To The Staples

Sometimes we confuse the words gourmet with organic. Just because it’s healthy doesn’t meant it has to be outrageously expensive. Pick foods that you use daily and provide abundance in quantity, as opposed to the rarest and smallest vegetable you might try a new recipe out with at some point.

Choose Your Food Wisely

First, any food that has a natural 'shell' such as avocado, banana, pineapple, orange - these you don't need to buy organic. When fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides and herbicides it's their outer layer that gets hit, to ward off potential critters. Strawberries, apples, greens, potatoes - these are all hit hard, so purchase them organic. Also, while buying organic may mean quicker expiration dates, it could potentially mean prolonged longevity for your wellbeing. It’s also helpful to become aware of the foods that naturally last a long time. You already know eggplant can fade quickly, organic or not, but apples last for months. Check out this list to get an idea of what fruits and vegetables to stock up on if you’re not planning on consuming them within a couple days.

Shop Seasonally

It’s a bummer to be berry-deprived in the winter months, but if you’re worried about your budget, it’s important to note that fruits and vegetables that aren’t in season are likely shipped in from far-off destinations, which makes them more expensive. Buying locally grown, seasonal produce is not only cheaper, but also much better for the environment, too.

Stay Away From Pre-Packaged Meals

Eating a frozen dinner sounds a lot more inviting when it’s organic, and opting for an already put together recipe sounds quicker than cooking from scratch, but be wary of the prices - and the sodium content! You’re better off buying the ingredients of your favorite dish separately and making it yourself. Most of the pre-packaged dinner options include simple ingredients, so you won’t have to wrack your brain or wallet to whip it up.

Know That Not All Foods Are Created Equal

So you LOVE avocados, but every time you buy organic your grocery bill skyrockets. The thing is, not all organic fruits and veggies are priced the same. Bananas are cheap and avocados are expensive. But you can still buy a basket full of organic fruits and veggies for the week and keep your bill low. Just be aware of what costs what. One week you might need to sacrifice your avos, and perhaps the next week you indulge. Take a look at the varying costs of the fruits and veggies you often buy on the USDA website.
When you buy pre-washed, pre-chopped fruits and vegetables, you’re paying a convenience fee. Instead, buy them whole, and spend the time washing and chopping them yourself, putting them into food storage containers for the week. While it might sound tedious, it truly takes up minimal time in the grand scheme of things.
                                                                                                     ~Thanks to Alexa Erickson

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