Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What to Eat When You're Sick to Feel Better ASAP

natural cold and flu rememdies
The medicine cabinet can provide quick relief when you’re suddenly slammed with a nasty cold or a pounding headache, but healing and long-term health don’t start at the pharmacy. A hearty immune system begins in the kitchen—which is good news, really, because vitamin-rich foods like pineapple go down a whole lot easier than cough syrup.
What you put in your mouth can have an enormous influence on the digestive tract and the balance of healthy gut flora, which has been scientifically proven to affect all kinds of conditions from mental health to immune response.
What exactly is a clinical nutritionist, you ask? The certified professionals work with doctors to help patients optimize their health through diet and lifestyle changes.
While there will be times your body needs antibiotics and other physician-prescribed treatments, produce-aisle staples can be powerhouses, too. Even a simple, everyday vegetable like cabbage is loaded with vitamin C. The beauty of these nutrients occurring abundantly in our commonly available foods is that often, nutrients are packaged together and work synergistically to have positive effects on the body.
natural multivitamin leafy greens

Your daily multivitamin: leafy greens

If you’re looking to sustain long-term health, leafy greens are incredibly nutrient-dense, offering maximum nourishment—they’re full of fiber, vitamins A and C, and B vitamins. And if they’re bitter, even better, as they aid in digestion by increasing hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach, reducing heartburn, and supporting the second phase of liver detoxification.
natural immune booster red pepper

Your Emergen-C replacement: red pepper

In my humble opinion, red peppers are one of the finest raw foods to eat. Snacking on red peppers with hummus or adding them to salads provides your body an immunity boost via a mega dose of vitamin C (not to mention carotenoids, fiber, and vitamin E). You’ll still get benefits if you eat your peppers cooked, but too much time over heat can cause nutrient loss, so it’s best to stick to a quick stir fry or char on the grill. Fill your fridge with extra peppers during cold and flu season—the vitamin C will help boost your immune system and ward off unwanted illness.
natural stress relief parsnips

Your stress aid: parsnips

Parsnips are the new carrot! The complex carbohydrate aids in brain function  and serotonin production, which may help you to reach a state of calm more quickly. Do you usually reach for a plate of fries in times of stress? You’re in luck. Roasted parsnip wedges taste just as good as the spud version—with added health benefits. (And they cook quickly.) The mineral-rich veg also supports healthy bones, blood cells, and (bonus!) clear skin. 
natural flu remedy coconut oil

Your flu remedy: coconut oil

No one wants to be hit by the flu, so stopping it in its tracks is crucial. And while a doc may prescribe antibiotics, the flu is a virus, so you’ll want to load up on antivirals, too. That’s where coconut oil comes in. The healthy fat is incredibly heat-stable, so it maintains its antiviral properties whether you are roasting veggies in it or adding a teaspoon to a cup of tea. A teaspoon of coconut oil in a cup of herbal tea is wonderfully soothing while beneficial for whatever ails you. Have a sore throat or nasty cough? Coconut oil can help to soothe and lubricate your throat, too. 
natural nausea relief ginger

Your nausea relief: ginger

If you have an upset stomach, ginger just might come to your rescue faster than you can get your hands on over-the-counter relief. Ginger is powerful! Studies have shown ginger to be a strong remedy for nausea, including sea sickness and morning sickness. And there’s no need to limit your ginger relief to a stomach ache. The zingy root contains a powerful compound called gingerol, which reportedly helps with quelling period cramps, bloating and indigestion, and keeping bacterial infections at bay. Whether you’re adding it to stir fries and  salad dressings, or pureeing it into juices and smoothies, a little bit of ginger can go a long way when it comes to your health.
natural headache cure lemon water

Your headache cure: lemon water

There are many causes of headaches, but dehydration is most often the culprit. Adding lemon juice  to a bottle of pure water for effective relief. Not only does the added flavor encourage you to drink more, but the bitter citrus helps detoxify the liver and aid digestion.
natural cold medicine alternative pineapple

Your cold medicine: pineapple

Who needs a spoonful of sugar when you can replace less-than-tasty cold medicine with fresh pineapple? The fruit’s candy-esque flavor, is a knock-out its vitamin profile is the clincher—it’s packed with vitamin C. Another feather in pineapple’s cap? It is the only naturally occurring source of bromelain, an antioxidant, super anti-inflammatory enzyme. The combo of vitamin C and bromelain may make pineapple a grab-and-go when it comes to sinus and respiratory inflammation. Just top raw pineapple slices with finely grated ginger for a snack that your body will love just as much as your tastebuds do.
~Thanks to Sophie Manolas & Willa Tellekson-Flash

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