Friday, August 12, 2016

How to Keep Fruits And Vegetables Fresh for Months

1. Apples

Store apples in a plastic bag in your fruit crisper drawer, away from vegetables in an area which is cooler than 30 degrees. Here, they will last for weeks.

2. Beets

You can store them for 2-4 months in the refrigerator. Cut off the greens, and then store them in a perforated plastic bag, and then in a vegetable crisper.

3. Cabbage

Though they taste best when fresh, they can last up to 2 months if wrapped in plastic and stored in the fridge. This trick also works for other delicate leafy green vegetables due to their high water content.

4. Carrots

A way to keep carrots fresh for months is to keep them dry. Wrap the carrots in a paper towel, and put them in a plastic bag. Change the paper towel whenever it gets saturated.

5. Garlic

A temperature of 60-65 degrees in moderate humidity is enough to make them last for months. Store a whole bulb in the refrigerator in a paper bag. Don’t take them out of the fridge until you’d like to use them.

6. Onions

Store them in a dry area with temperature between 30-50 degrees F. This way, they will stay fresh for close to a year. Keep them in mesh bags, and store them in a dark cabinet to make them last for longer than a month.

7. Potatoes

Store them in a place maintaining 40 degrees F. Keep them away from light to avoid them from turning green. Basements or cellars are the perfect places for potato storage. Here, they will stay fresh for up to 2-4 months.

8. Radishes

Remove the greens from the radish, and put them in a plastic bag lined thickly with paper towel. Don’t store too many radishes in one bunch. This way, they will last for almost a month.

9. Winter Squash

All varieties of squash will last between 2-6 months if stored in a dark cabinet. Keep all your squash in a single layer in your cabinet to let air circulate around them.
~Thanks to Cure Joy

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