With the exploding popularity of low-carb and ketogenic diets, fruit has been getting a bad rap. And tropical fruits, in particular, have been getting a really bad rap. While the low glycemic load of berries makes them the go-to choice for individuals who still want to enjoy fruit occasionally on these types of diets, bananas, mangoes, papaya, and pineapple have acquired the unfortunate stigma of being “too high in sugar” for regular consumption. And indeed, it may be that patients with severe insulin resistance or blood sugar imbalances may be best served by avoiding tropical fruit entirely, this category of delicious and nutritious food need not be off the menu for everyone. Pineapple, in particular, has some properties that may justify bringing it back to the table or school lunch box.
Pineapples are sweet, but also an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese, and a 100-gram serving of pineapple (approximately 3.5 ounces) provides just 12 grams of carbohydrate, with an overall very low glycemic load. Plus, the sugar in pineapple comes along with small amounts of thiamin, B6, and other nutrients, so even with their sugar content, pineapples are a far cry from the empty calories of snack cakes, soft drinks, and other sources of nutritionally void concentrated sugar. Pineapple is best consumed either fresh or frozen - with no added sugar in the frozen variety!
Pineapples are off-the-charts refreshing in summer. A spicy pineapple salsa can jazz up any gathering, and you can even add pineapple to guacamole for an interesting twist. Grilled balsamic pineapple makes a delicious treat for outdoor grilling, and using pineapple can be as simple as topping a burger with a slice. For other savory dishes, consider chicken pineapple stir-fry or pineapple pork. Pineapple pairs nicely with protein, because pineapple contains bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that helps aid in the digestion of proteins. (For this reason, bromelain is sometimes included in plant-sourced digestive enzyme supplements, along with papain from papaya.) To indulge a sweet tooth, there’s coconut pineapple popsicles, carrot pineapple muffins, and even pineapple upside-down cake—all gluten and dairy free!
The benefits of bromelain don’t stop at breaking down protein. Bromelain has been shown to be helpful in boosting the immune system, particularly when it comes to illnesses of the respiratory tract. Through reducing inflammation of the airway, it may be beneficial in fighting bronchitis, sinusitis, and pulmonary edema. Additionally, pineapple juice—likely via the effects of bromelain—has been shown to be effective for dissolving lung mucus buildup in tuberculosis. These respiratory supporting properties also make pineapple juice a natural cough remedy, particularly when combined with raw honey and ginger, to soothe the throat.
Bromelain is anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, and fibrinolytic. For these reasons, it may be a helpful adjunct in acute injuries. Research indicates that the “pharmacological properties depend on the proteolytic activity only partly, suggesting the presence of nonprotein factors in bromelain.” As the natural source of bromelain, the same is likely true for pineapple fruit and juice, as well. There may be synergistic effects among multiple compounds in pineapple that go beyond the properties of isolated bromelain.
And lest you think the skin of a pineapple has only one of two fates—either the garbage can or the compost bin—unpeeled pineapple chunks can be used to make homemade pineapple vinegar, a delicious south-of-the-border tradition that shares many of the same health-boosting effects as other types of vinegar.
For these reasons and more, pineapple need not be banned from the kitchen. It’s delicious, nutritious, and can be enjoyed year-round if used frozen or canned (in natural juice). No luau required!
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