Sunday, January 5, 2014

Best Food to Eat if You Live in the City, Drink Coffee and Booze on the Weekends

summer greens blog
Why do YOU Need Greens? 
Boring, cliché, uninspiring reason…
Because they are good for you! (Sure, they are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and fiber, but only nutritionists like me get excited and motivated by this.)

More applicable, meaningful reasons…
1. TO CREATE MORE ENERGY: Even though greens are very low in calorie, they help you create energy naturally. First, they are packed with chlorophyll, the component that makes them green! Chlorophyll can better purify your blood, and improve your nutrient transport and muscle efficiency. Second, the alkaline minerals in the greens improve circulation to deliver the goods to your brain and muscles, and they're great for warding off acidity which impacts your joints as time moves along. You’ll notice you won’t need to hit the snooze button or have as much coffee to get through your day with the help of greens. Finally, the magnesium in greens is responsible for more than 400 energy pathways in your body, and an estimated 95% of us are deficient in this power mineral. (Fun fact: Magnesium can also calm you down at night if taken before sleep, on an empty stomach.)

2. TO REDUCE YOUR TOXINS: The chlorophyll is a blood cleanser. These greens will protect you from heavy metal toxicity, like mercury found in sushi or from environmental toxins in urban areas 

3. TO HELP YOUR HANGOVER: Speaking of toxins, greens help your liver, nourishing it with magnesium and oxygen, cleaning up the damage from a booze indulgence or processed foods splurge.

4. TO AGE WITHOUT FEELING LIKE YOU’RE AGING: Methylation. If you haven’t heard about it yet, you will. An estimated 20% of us have a genetic predisposition to being poor methylators. Folate is a superstar methylator, and when you think of folate, think “foliage”…It’s in the greens! With the thousands of methyl-dependent reactions going on everyday, you can support them by eating your methylators. Adequate methylation has been linked to the prevention of diabetes, heart disease, and cancers.

5. TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR FOOD: Raw or lightly sautéed greens contain enzymes that help your digestion so that you can get the most out of your superfoods. These enzymes help breakdown the food into their absorbable parts. Plus, the alkaline environment that the greens provide is what is most beneficial when consuming pastured meat and poultry. So, consuming greens with protein will help you better digest your protein.

It’s Easy Being Green!
  • Add chopped, sautéed greens into your ground beef or turkey when making burgers
  • Add kale or spinach to your egg scramble or omelet
  • Add a green smoothie (recipe below!)
  • Add a side salad to your meals, especially when enjoying meat (ensuring it doesn't linger in the body)
  • Add chopped kale to your chilies, soups and stews
  • Add cilantro or parsley into your rice
  • Add chives on your sweet potato
  • Add fresh herbs on your chicken and beef
  • Add turnip or collard greens into soups

Drink Your Greens! THE best way to start the day! Try it and you'll feel what I mean.
  • 2 cups fresh spinach, kale or collards (or a little more)
  • 1 cup frozen or fresh blueberries (or a little less)
  • ½ lemon, squeezed (Vitamin C in lemon will increase absorption of iron in greens)
  • 2 tsp. raw, unfiltered honey
  • 8-10 oz. water, depending on consistency preferences
Blend all ingredients in a blender (Nutribullet and Vitamix are great choices!)

This smoothie ROCKS. Kids love it. Adults love it. You can’t tell the difference between 1 cup and 3 cups of spinach, so its easy to add more as you get used to making them. Herbs like cilantro and parsley can be added without much change in flavor, but an increase in superfood-ness! This is a great breakfast, snack or add-on to a meal at any time of the day.

Love your greens, and your greens will love you back.

~Thanks to Jenny Westerkamp, RD

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