Monday, September 23, 2013

Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue?

exhausted_sleeping1. You can't sleep
In a perfect world, we would get a great night's sleep every night, wake up feeling refreshed, and move throughout the day with tons of energy. Instead, we rush from one thing to the next, day after day, month after month, which throws off our hormonal balance, making it tough to fall or stay asleep.

The fix:
Coax your body into a new rhythm. Try going to sleep before 10:00 pm. Even if you can't fall asleep, lying in bed in a dark room will start your melatonin production, which can help you get into a healthy sleep rhythm.

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2. You've got dark under-eye circles
Sure, you might not be getting enough sleep. But dark circles crop up when stressors like fatigue, emotional stress, or dehydration (which is tough on the body) disrupt healthy circulation—and that shows through your thin under-eye skin. If your dark circles are accompanied by a sunken, hollowed-out look, that often indicates a more serious issue with the kidneys, and you should see a doctor.

The fix:
Slow. Down. No amount of eye cream or concealer or will help if you're overworked, exhausted, and overwhelmed by emotional stress. Do less, and be still more.

Period cycle off (1)3. Your cycle's off

If you have adrenal fatigue, you're probably also having issues with your thyroid and your menstrual cycleOne reason? The endocrine system (of which the adrenal glands are a part) are facing unprecedented exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals.  (A recent study showed women put 515 chemicals on their body every day.)

The fix:
You can't spot-treat your hormones. We're so accustomed to that in Western medicine—penicillin for an infection, ibuprofen for a headache... Instead, you have to look at your whole lifestyle (diet, stress relief, sleep, etc.)—and avoid personal exposure to disruptive chemicals by watching what you put in and on your body.

Opener14. You feel overwhelmed by life
Almost always, women with adrenal fatigue are completely stressed by their day-to-day lives and put self-care last on their list of least, until their bodies finally shut down.

The fix:
Learn to say no. Get rid of the things in your life that cost you energy, but don't give you much back, like unsupportive people and relationships. Putting your own needs first, and giving yourself permission to have more fun, will help with stress which, in turn, will take a load off your adrenals.

Screen shot 2013-09-18 at 9.39.41 PM5. You feel puffy, stiff, and sore
Your body reacts to stressful events, like giving a talk in front of 200 people, by getting adrenaline and cortisol flowing so you're energized and focused. But when you're constantly stressed, your adrenals become "pooped" and your cortisol levels plummet, leading to non-specific symptoms like feeling puffy, or stiff and achy in your joints and muscles.

The fix:
Get your adrenal glands evaluated (practitioners can look for something called "DHEA-S" in a routine blood work-up and do a saliva test for cortisol). But she warns that conventional docs don't necessarily know how to recognize the symptoms or treat the condition. Consider a combination of vitamins and supplements and mind-body interventions.

Screen shot 2013-09-18 at 9.41.00 PM6. You're exhausted after working out
If, instead of getting a boost of energy, you have major fatigue after working out.  It's not necessarily a sign that your boot camp classes are too tough. It could be because your adrenal glands are sluggish.

The fix:
Try meditation, gentle yoga, walking, or whatever helps you feel less stressed. Leave your desk for 15 minute walk outdoors for Vitamin D during the day! It'll help combat stress and give you a way to stay active, while you give your already-depleted adrenal glands a chance to rest and refuel.

Screen shot 2013-09-18 at 9.43.50 PM7. You're groggy into the afternoon 
The adrenal glands should emit pulses of cortisol all day, but stress and exposure to chemicals can change the cortisol pattern. We might not get energy until the afternoon or even 10:00 p.m..

The fix:
In case you're not convinced yet, slow down! And ditch the lattes. Every time you wake up and have a cup of coffee, you're ruining your chance of having a good day, since caffeine can put tons of stress on the adrenals. Instead, reach for foods that contain essential fatty acids, coconut oil, fish oil, avocado, and whole grains, like buckwheat (gluten-free).

Screen shot 2013-09-18 at 9.44.51 PM8. Your gut's off
If your body isn't getting what it needs, or if you're eating in a way that creates drastic blood sugar fluctuations, it's punishing to the adrenals. Plus, bloating and poor digestion are possible symptoms of adrenal fatigue—so your food choices and stomach issues and can be a cause and a sign of the condition.

The Fix:
Cut out processed foods, refined sugar, refined wheat, and gluten products. Instead, eat lots of good fats, fresh fruits and veggies, fermented food, and organic meats.

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