1. Thruster Jumps (20)
Start in a wide squat position and jump straight up, clapping your hands together at the top. Land softly and spring back up immediately.
Start in plank position, shoulders over wrists, body in a straight line to your heels. Hop the feet in, with your knees towards your chest, and then back out.
Start standing up with your knees slightly bent, feet together, hands in fists. Jump your feet out to the side, landing in a wide squat, arms straight up forming a V. Really punch your arms in the air straight up with your back upright to work your back muscles.
Move your chest towards the floor with your body in a straight line and push back up with force as you exhale. If it's too hard, drop down to your knees. (Need help? Use this tutorial on how to do the perfect CrossFit push-up before you get started.)
Start with your feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent. Hinge at your hips bringing your chest forward towards the thighs, arms behind you (similar to a skiing position!). Jump straight up into the air reaching your arms overhead. Land softly and repeat.
Doubtful you can get a good workout this way? This 15-minute routine that hits multiple muscle groups and everything you need—strength, agility, and plyometrics to get your heart-rate up. You may barely get through the reps by the end (and seriously feel it the next day)! Memorize the moves and simple structure now, and you'll never miss a workout due to back-to-back meetings, travel plans, or budget woes again.
~Lisa Elaine Held
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