Monday, December 10, 2012

Surviving the Festive Season

My tips for surviving the Festive Season (and any time when celebrating):
  1. The simplest is to drink 16oz of water with a 1/3rd teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda                                      just before and 30mins after eating festive meals.                                                                                                                        
  2. The healthiest drink so that you always have a drink in your hand is Soda Water with                                    ice and lemon. It's fizzy, festive and it already has bicarbonate of soda in it.
  3. If you drink alcohol then alternate each alcoholic drink with the above Soda Water.
  4. Equally as bad as alcohol for the liver and kidneys are starchy carbs, high sugar foods                                and high sugar drinks. Serve and eat as many foods as possible with the least carbs.                         Prepare carb free nibbles and canapés, all planned to be super tasty.
  5. Desserts and cakes can be easy to make super healthy by opting to use ground almond flour,            coconut flour, cacao (coco) nuts and dried fruits. Google, “Paleo recipes”, on the web and see                how easy it is to make delicious alternatives. Practice now so you are prepared for the big meals.
  6. The challenge is that any cooked un-natural foods will cause some strain on your system and not           just in the Festive Season. I often get asked for my suggestions on any supplements that can             support digestive health, so here they are: Omega 3 Complete EFA, B-Complex when in need of           extra energy, NOWs Elderberry & Zinc when feeling a hint of a cold 
Remember, a healthier digestive tract = a healthier body.......

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